Decorating, Holidays

Halloween-Fall Decor 2015

Its it’s time ladies and gentlemen. Do you know where your decorations are? I believe you should share the things you love and I LOVE Halloween and Fall decor.

Hope this inspires you to get those Totes out and let the spirit of Halloween and Fall fill your home.

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Crafting-DIY, Decorating

Halloween Decor

I am up and running with my Halloween/Fall decor. I’m sharing it with you to help inspire you to go drag out those boxes from storage, dust off the witches and pumpkins and  bring them all to life again. I love the Halloween and Fall holidays, it brings out the “kid” in us and the warm feeling of family and the comfort of home.

This is the skeleton picture that my son drew for me last year, one of my favorite’s.IMG_0218.JPG


Got the Candy on, the kids better hurry before Gramp’s and I eat it allIMG_0215.JPG

This spider picture was a idea from Pinterest. He is a real cutie. My son drew him for me and I colored him in with green chalk, black poster board from Hobby Lobby. Cheap, easy and one of a kind!IMG_0214.JPG



Caught these guys trying to escape, they will be hanging around until Halloween is over or until my Mother comes over cause she gets creeped out.IMG_0225.JPG



IMG_0227.JPGWhen Halloween is over I will pluck out the scary stuff and leave the fall thru Thanksgiving.

Happy Halloween, now go get your scary on!







Decorating, Holidays

Fall Mantle’s 2013

Fall Mantle 2013

I went simple and rustic with my mantle this year. I used my frame from the “Halloween Mantle”IMG_2549

Remember the skull picture my son drew, love it. Anyway I flipped it over and drew a pumpkin with a black sharpie and some chalk. Kinda looks like a tomato but its a “White Pumpkin” thank-you.Getting a lot of use out of my frame this year.Just kinda plucked out the Halloween goodies and traded them for Fall goodies.

This is my BFF’s fall mantle, its so cute. She went light and bright and whimsical.

Aline's Mantle

Aline did a awesome job. She hand decorated all the pumpkins that are in the fireplace,loving the clock and the cute little Owls, they make me smile. What I really admire about her is I know how much she enjoys decorating and crafting and it really shows, appreciate her sharing it with us.

Here is the link to her printable

Happy mantle decorating!

Decorating, Holidays

Creating Your Holiday Vignette

Holiday Vignette
Holiday Vignette

This is my “Vignette” also known as a grouping or table scape. It’s a collection of some of your favorite pieces grouped together on a shelf, coffee table, counter etc. Fun to create by picking a theme, rummaging thru your house to find items that will play well together and pulling it all together.

So I recently learned the correct term for this is a “Vignette” as the designers call it. Ok whatever. I do know this, that there is a correct way to do one or “ITS JUST NOT RIGHT” We have all made one of those.

Here is what I pulled together for my Vignette. I am proud of it and it makes me smile when I pass by. There is stuff in there from Target to O’Flanary’s Emporium and Hobby Lobby and who knows where else. I only put the poster board behind it so the picture would stand out. Excuse yourself Mr. Poster Board!

Maybe you can share with us whats in your Vignette 🙂

Below is an informative site that explains all about Vignette’s and how to’s.

“Happy Vignetteing” (just made up that word)


My Halloween Mantel-2013


Scary Skull
Scary Skull

This is my Halloween Mantel 2013. I do it up every year, but this year is my favorite.My son Ryan is the artist for the skull face and he did an awesome job. I got the frame at Hobby Lobby on clearance for $42.97. It was regularly a $430.00 dollar frame but had only a couple of dents (score). The letters “SPOOKY” I downloaded from “Shanty2chic”.Its a  really cute blog with fun free printables. My husband asks every year”whats the 31 stand for on the pumpkin”? You just got to understand I guess.

Happy Halloween Decorating!

This is the print before I did anything with itSketched Skull Face